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NorGeoSpec 2012

A Nordic system for the certification and specification of geosynthetics and geosynthetic-related products.

NorGeoSpec 2012 is a document which presents a Nordic system for the certification and specification of geosynthetics and geosynthetic-related products for separation, filtration and/or reinforcement in all applications for products covered by the following European standards;

EN 13249 Roads and other trafficked areas
EN 13250 Railways
EN 13251 Earthworks, foundations and retaining structures
EN 13252 Drainage systems
EN 13253 External erosion control systems
EN 13254 Reservoirs and dams
EN 13255 Canals
EN 13256 Tunnel and underground structures
EN 13257 Solid waste disposals
EN 13265 Liquid waste containment
EN 15381 Pavements and asphalt overlays

          "NorGeoSpec product sampling"

NorGeoSpec 2012 defines a system for the certification and control testing of geosynthetics and geosynthetic-related products and defines requirements related to the intended use (function) of the products. NorGeoSpec 2012 is implemented as a complete system as a revision and extension of the NorGeoSpec 2002.

A two-stage product-certification procedure is used to document the conformity
of a product with the requirements set out in these Guidelines.

Stage I: Quality Product Certification (QPC)
  Function: Separation and Filtration
Stage II Quality Product Specification (QPS)
  Function: Separation and Filtration

The Stage I procedure is obligatory and must in all cases precede any Stage II procedure.
In all cases in which specifications are available, the products must be classified in accordance with these Guidelines.

Compliance with the NorGeoSpec requirements is declared by the NorGeoSpec Notified Body (NCB) to any manufacturer who applies for it, or to his authorized representative, on condition that the product concerned satisfies the rules currently published on the website www.norgeospec.org.

The NCB administers the procedures of both "Quality Product Certification" and "Quality Product Specification" and is advised by the Technical Committee.

The rules of NorGeoSpec and the responsibilities of the parties involved are described in part one – Product Certification (Stage I) and part two – Quality Product Specification (Stage II) of this Guideline.

The following organisations and persons have been active in the Revision of NorGeoSpec 2002:

Tseday Damtev Statens vegvesen Norway
Lovisa Moritz Trafikverket Sweden
Salo Pentti Finnish Transport Agency Finland
Minna Leppännen Finnish Transport Agency Finland
Eeva-Liisa Lepistö Saukko VTT Finland
Arnstein Watn SINTEF Norway
Philippe Delmas SINTEF Norway
Christian Recker SINTEF Norway

NorGeoSpec 2012 is supported by:

Statens vegvesen                                   Norway
Trafikverket                                                                                      Sweden
Finnish Transport Agency Finland

We would like to extend our appreciation to Statens vegvesen, Trafikverket and the Finish Transport Agency for their financial support.